Friday, January 18, 2008

Colony News: Presidential Platforms of Obama and McCain

As the primary votes come tallying in, we are seeing a presidential race that is proving to be not only interesting but stay tuned.
Meanwhile, in our platforms educational series, today we showcase Barack Obama and John McCain.

Barack Obama (Democrat)

As the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, Barack Obama has been a standout since early in his career. Serving currently as a first term Senator, this Honolulu native is one of the younger and more junior political figures in the presidential race. His presidential race has proven to be one to reckon with, and his modern and current political views are those of someone sure to make waves in American government.

Abortion: Obama favors an individuals right to make decisions about abortion.

Immigration: He supports immigration reform that includes a path to citizenshp rights for those who qualify. He also supports secure borders.

Taxes: With health care goals, Obama does report that some increase of revenue would be necessary, and plans to allow tax cuts for the wealthy to expire.

Iraq: Opposed Iraqi war and would seek to bring troops out of Iraq as soon as possible if elected.

Energy: Raise fuel efficiency standards in cars, cap greenhouse gas emissions, and supports investment in renewable fuels.

John McCain (Republican)

As a former Navy pilot and prisoner of war in Vietnam, John McCain has a very interesting and politically driven past. He is a four term senator representing Arizona.

Abortion: Opposed abortion and feels Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

Immigration: Wants a comprehensible immigration reform bill allowing illegal immigrants to earn legal status through guest worker program.

Taxes: Against tax cuts, wants to lower spending, and keep tax levels steady.

Iraq: Supporter of Iraqi war and a backer of the troop surge.

Energy: Wants to cap system for greenhouse gas.

For more information, visit Fox News at

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