Friday, January 18, 2008

The Stinger

Okay, Honeys, have you heard about Kelly Tilghman's recent comments about Tiger Woods? Kelly is a white woman who works for The Golf Channel. She recently stated that young up-and-coming golfers [wanting to compete] with Tiger would have to "lynch him in a back alley".

The second I read about that in Yahoo! News, I sent an e-mail to The Golf Channel stating that Kelly deserved to be promptly fired. Next thing I hear, she's been suspended for 2 weeks without pay. And a brother, Roy S. Johnson, who has a sports blog, "Ballers, Gamers & Scoundrels" wrote a newspaper article I read in Yahoo! saying that Kelly and Tiger knew one another, Kelly had apologized to Tiger, Tiger said he considered it a "non issue" and, as Roy said, "case closed" on the whole thing So, I promptly wrote to Roy and let him know how very wrong he was. It will be a miracle if the issue of supposed entitlement in AmeriKa based on one's skin color becomes a "non issue" during my grandson's lifetime! Fat chance!

You can get slapped and not die; you can get shot and not die. But lynching has always ended in death, as far as I know. I've never heard of a lynched individual who later had a chance to speak on the experience, have you? The defenders of this dangerous woman claim she didn't know what she was saying. B.S!!! She didn't use the word "lynch" wrongly in a Red Velvet Cake recipe---she said one group of men should lynch another man in a back alley. She knew what she was saying and should have promptly been taken to a back alley and fired!

Don't get it twisted: all this ire ain't for Tiger. This ire is because it's plain as day that racism is getting new life in this country and far too many people are looking the other way. There is NO defense for racism. Some people want to act like they don't understand racism, don't see what's such a big deal. Hey, I don't know what it feels like to get kicked in the balls, but I've got a damn sure good idea! Further, if I saw someone getting kicked in the balls, I bet cha my first reflex would be to groan and close MY own legs in empathy. What hurts hurts and what is wrong is wrong. And the case will not be closed until everyone understands that!
--Honey Hush!

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